Wednesday, February 23, 2011


As I sit in the hotel room in Massilon on my coach's laptop, my mind cannot concentrate on anything besides swimming. This weekend will reflect my entire life of hard work and dedication to this brutal, yet rewarding sport. My mind is on autopilot, similar to the poem we studied today in class- "Out of Sight, out of Mind". I am constantly thinking, "drink some water, shave my legs, stretch my shoulders, eat a power bar" in a rythmic pattern in order to prevent myself from becoming incredibly stressed out. The more systematically I think, the more I will be able to push out my dramatic emotions and think logically. This idea is very similar to an audience and purpose of today's poem. The author speaks to those who act on their heartfelt emotions, and encourages them to make decisions and think more from a logical and mindful standpoint. If I acted on my emotions right now, I would probably curl up in a ball and cry out of nervousness. So, thank you group one for indirectly helping me prevent a nervous breakdown.

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