Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Absurdity of our School

Lately, I have begun to feel quite suffocated by the way our school is run. I believe that we students, especially seniors, deserve much more freedom than we that amount what are allowed. For example, today during commons, I was studying for a test which happened to be the following period. I realized that I did not have the necessary book, so I quickly left the cafeteria in a swift power-walk to my locker in order to save as much time as possible. However, behind me, I heard Mrs. E yelling "JAAAACKIE, JAAAACKIE". I knew right away that she was talking to me because she never has been able to tell us apart. Each time she sees either one of us, we are both referred to as "Jackie". I

guess this method of attempting to tell us apart is easier than the Meghan or Jackie guessing game? Although it was probably disrespectful of me to continue walking down the hallway, I was, after all, in a very big hurry to get to my locker. She finally caught on and realized that my name is Meghan and said, "Oh. Meghan, Im sorry honey, but you cannot leave without a hall pass". Inside, I was screaming. First of all, I have never in my 3.75 years at CFHS have been stopped in the hallway for not carrying a pass. Second, I am almost eighteen years old. Why can't I not be trusted to walk about 100 feet down the hallway to my locker? She then forced me back into the commons and made me wait for the bell to ring in ten minutes. I did not have the time nor patience to obey this rule, so I quickly went to the bathroom in order for her to wait to turn her back. Once she turned her back, I took off running and reached my locker in about thirty seconds without her noticing me.

Looking back on that moment, I laugh thinking about how sneaky I had to be in order to enable myself to study for a difficult upcoming test. It makes me realize how little trust most of the administrators have in the students. Does anybody feel the same way?


  1. Meghan I completely agree! I recently asked Mr. King to go to the restroom during Painting and he responded with "Well, the administration wants us to cut down on the bathroom passes Miss Cashy." Well after a little begging and promising I would be gone for 2 minutes, he let me go. It's getting a little ridiculous I wasn't allowed to go to the bathroom, especially when this was the first time I had asked him all year.

  2. Meghan, I recently had a very similar experience. During the second half of my commons, I normally go to the Learning Center and one day I decided to leave 5 minutes early so I had time to stop at my locker. As I was leaving, I hear someone shouting something, but I kept walking because they weren't saying my name or anything. Eventually, the new lady in commons this year came up behind me and asked where I was headed. I told her my situation, how everyday I go to the learning center, but she wouldn't let me leave. But what makes this story worse is that I decided to go to the bathroom and wait for the bell to ring, and while I was in there, she came in, saw me and waked out. Then, when I left, she was standing right by the door, making sure I wouldn't run off like you did. This made me soooo angry I cannot wait to leave this school.
