Thursday, May 5, 2011

Top 10 Reasons Why You Should Take AP English

1). You can argue with your classmates, however in a constructive manner.
2). The seats are situated in a circle, so you can see everybody's cheerful faces, especially your twin's.
3). The posters in the classroom are quite intriguing. Especially the one about the pigeons. I won't reveal the message, because it is important to read the life-changing statement for yourself.
4). The books we read are for the most part entertaining, causing heated classroom debates, which bring energy into the classroom.
5). There was not a mid-term exam. Instead, we blogged each week about a topic of our choice and presented them on exam day. This reduced a lot of stress during finals week.
6). Everything we do in class has a purpose. There is no such thing as busy work, unlike the rest of the classes in this school.
7). The sophisticated style of writing that we learned will prove as a very beneficial skill in college.
8). Ms. Serensky's wit keeps us entertained. It especially surfaces when she makes fun of the dream-team.
9). It is allowed to talk during class without raising your hand.
10. Our hands are very fit and in shape because of all the writing exercises we do.

Flashback of Alex and Thomas in 3rd grade English:


  1. Meghan, I agree with everything you have said! There have been numerous occasions throughout AP English when I resented a tedious task that I thought had no purpose. But, sure enough, the purpose of the activity would become clear sooner or later and it would inevitably lend itself to a better understanding of a book and the always-heated class discussions.

  2. Hahah Meghan I'm glad our hands are in good shape. I too like that you can see everyone in the circle. If class is not entertaining, you can just look at the facial expressions of classmates to keep yourself busy. Also, I like the picture. I feel like that picture is a bit far fetched. First, Alex was a nerdy kid and definitely had glasses. Second, Thomas wouldn't be smiling in class. He's serious about school. Third, they wouldn't be helping each other out... they compete against each other.

  3. what will I possibly do next year at college in English class without my twin so we can stare at each other the entire class period? :(
