Monday, December 20, 2010

I Now See the Fog

Many people look forward to winter break because it is a time for relaxation and a time to spend with the ones you care for the most. However, this morning, the reality of my winter break splashed me in the face with freezing cold chlorine water at 7:30 am. My inner self was begging for this to be a dream, but the barking of my coach of something along the lines of,"NO BREATHING OUT OF YOUR TURNS", or, my personal favorite, "JUST BECAUSE YOU'RE TIRED DOESN'T MEAN YOU CAN STOP SWIMMING", rudely awakened me and snapped me back into reality. The longer I swim, I seem to swim further and further into my personal fog. I think of nothing besides how much my body is hurting at the present moment. In fact, as we began our kicking set, a cloud of fog actually formed above the pool because the air was so cold. It then dawned on me. I had forgotten to post my blog by midnight the previous night. This made my body ache even more. I began stressing about how many points I will lose, and what this would mean for my mid-term exam grade. My legs then began to throb even more. I could feel my heart pounding out of my chest and I soon choked on some water. HOW COULD I SWIM AT A TIME LIKE THIS? The fog above the pool then suddenly began to fade away because the heater started working. As soon as it disappeared, I took a few deep breaths and was finally able to bring myself back to sanity again because I realized that I could blog about my sighting of the fog.

1 comment:

  1. Meghan, I agree with you on this. While swimming, I often drift into a fog and then the coach's yelling quickly snaps me out of the fog. However, I can not believe you forgot to blog. I reminded you about five times on Sunday night.
