Wednesday, January 26, 2011

"La Amistad"

Hoy, en la clase de Espanol AP, discutimos sobre la relevancia de nuestros amigos. For all of you non-spanish speakers of the blog world, the previous sentence means, " Today in AP Spanish, we discussed the significance of our friends". Mrs. Fahey then proceeded to ask us, "como describes un amistad de mucho valor?" Or, "what does friendship mean to you?" I thought about it for a while, and I realized that in today's world, the word "friend" seems to be used pretty loosely. We then discussed how many "friends" we each have on facebook. I could not think of a concrete number at that moment, so tonight I did a little investigating. I thought, hmm, maybe I have around 400-500 friends? I then logged on and my jaw immediately dropped. 907 friends. Nine-hundred and seven. NINE-HUNDRED AND SEVEN. I became slightly alarmed. I then began browsing my friend list, and came across people who I do not even know, or have never met in person. The fact that they have full access to my profile, pictures, and conversations (not like I am trying to hide anything), scares me because I feel personally invaded. However, on the other hand, I am equally as guilty for "creepin hard-core". While I struggle to find topics to blog about, or how to start my AP Stats homework, for example, I sometimes find myself mindlessly clicking through the pictures on someone's profile who I do not personally know. So, today, I decided to do something about this vicious cycle. I went through my friend list and deleted those who I have never personally talked to, nor care if they appear in my newsfeed. However, I am only on the 100th friend or so. This might take longer than I expected...

1 comment:

  1. Meghan, I actually did the same thing the other day. All of a sudden I noticed numerous people on my news feed that I did not know well and to my surprise, upon creeping through their profiles, I realized these unknown characters were middle schools. Searching more thoroughly through my friends I realized that I am friends with my fourth grade cousin. It surprises me that parents allow their young children to belong to facebook. I do not understand the purpose of them owning one. Even though children today are accustomed to less restriction on what they watch on television and what they do on the computer, I still think activities like facebook are a little too mature for them.
