Monday, April 11, 2011

Even the Poster Lashes Out

Dear Amy,

I write to you even though it has been years since we last talked, but right now you are the only one I feel comfortable expressing my emotions to.
I cannot even begin to describe how miserable my day has been. First off, while walking into school on this couldy day, the pigeon on the poster in Ms.Serensky's room came to life and pooped on my head. "Eat sh** and die", I muttered to this horrible creature (209). First and second period blurred by, and I found myself in Ms. Serensky's 3rd period AP English 12 class once again. As soon as I sat down, Ms. Serensky walked up to me and started cackling. She began to scream in my face and asked how I could POSSIBLY be sitting in the wrong seat when it has been assigned for an entire quarter. I just sunk down into my seat because I was in no mood to argue after staying awake for days, desperately trying to find a cure to my father's cancer. "My insides feel raw and hollow"(179). I need to eat something immediately or else I will pass out. Ms. Serensky then announced that it was time to turn in money for our new books. I handed her a $20 bill and she then asked me, "So the world now revolves around you?" just because I did not have the EXACT change (Ms. Serensky). I just had no energy to reply so I accepted this low-blow. "God help me, I'm actually starting to feel beholden to the son-of-a-bi***(178). Amy, please call me. I need to feel your warm embrace and I know you will somehow be able to put a smile on my face after this wretched day.



  1. Meghan, this post made me laugh a lot not only because of each ridiculous situation, but I love the quotes you used. I personally have always been afraid to use explicit quotes in my papers, but you implemented them really well! Your creative post has inspired me to memorize some of these offensive quotes for the AP test!

  2. Absolutly hilarious! I am so glad I read this post! You chose such a fun route with this, especially using Junior. The quotes you used, however vain, worked perfectly. I know for me, it was so easy to find a plan for the blog post, but difficult to actually place quotes in that felt natural. The way you used the explicit quotes was also extremely tasteful which I commend you for!

  3. Meghan, I also thought this post was very funny. I personally liked how you chose for the poster to come to life. It shows that if someone is having a bad day, simple tasks and items around them can lend to this terrible feeling.
